Wednesday, April 6, 2011

NGO- The Service of Mankind is Service of God

Didi Maa Sadhvi Ritambhara with Children
Social service is always considered as the greatest service of mankind because it brings smile on the face of a really needy person. There are millions of people throughout the world who cannot afford proper food, cloth and shelter. To serve such people is equivalent to the service of God Himself. Many non-profit organizations are working to serve the purpose of making a better world for mankind.

Param Pujya Didi Maa sadhvi Ritambhara Ji is also serving the Nation and the world by giving proper guidance to Vatsalya Gram and Param Shakti Peeth.  It is also true that thousands of other NGOs are also working in the same direction, and they also care for the women empowerment in India, but the implementation of the ideas in this organization is totally different. It works on the famous maxim in Srimad Bhagwat Gita ’karmanyev ma dhikaraste ma phaleshu kadachana’, that means “You have got choice only over your action (karma) and not over the result of the action”.

The world has witnessed a great change in the social standard of a woman. But still there is a lot to do in this certain area. In fact, we have many NGO for women that are working for the betterment of this half population. Women Empowerment NGO has also played a vital role in making a woman more powerful in recent time. These NGOs take care of every single need of a woman i.e. their health, occupation etc. It is also recognizable that the societies with more independent and working women are progressing by leaps and bounds.
The other NGOs who are doing great job are Child Care NGO. They are taking care of the future of any country and that really matters. A child, who is not nurtured in good condition, can become a troublemaker for the society in coming future. These organizations nurture such children in a very favorable atmosphere so that they can also give their contribution in the progress of the country. Such children are like tender bud and it is a social duty to help these beautiful buds to change in to a beautiful flower so that the whole world can feel their refreshing presence.

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