Saturday, August 10, 2013

Awareness Movement for National Security

India is not only exposed to dangers from neighboring countries but also from the internal enemies in the form of corruption and such other evils. The present need is the elimination of evil that corrupts the system of the country. In order to protect the civilization of millions of Indians, Revered Didi Maa has been pushing a large scale public awareness movement bringing issues of immorality and injustice into the light. She is active through her lectures and discourses in spreading awareness towards eradicating social evils. 

Rashtra Raksha Sutra Yatra
In the sequence of national awareness programs, Rashtra Raksha Sutra Bandhan Yatra is organized every year. We are secured thanks to vigilant forces present on the borders of our country. Our festivals and movements are intact only by the their careful watch and protection. Revered Didi Maa feels that the entire nation should stand by them in their pleasures and pain. To put into practice her idea, Param Shakti Peeth organizes a celebration of Rakhi with the soldiers on the remote borders of the country in the presence of sisters from various parts of the nation. This program has also been acclaimed by the President of India. 

Personality Development Camps
For the all-round development of girls, residential personality development camps are organized at Vatsalya Gram. Through lessons of collective existence, sports and self-defense their lives are significantly enriched. Girls from various states of India participate in these camps.
Save the Girl Child Movement
In the wake of traditions based on gender bias and futile concepts, there has been constantly running a devilish show of female feticide in the country of Durga. That is why there has been a gender imbalance in the population. To check this, Param Shakti Peeth has initiated a public awareness movement around this issue. 

With the noble inspiration from Revered Didi Maa, many women have taken a vow to keep away from female feticide. In the cities and towns where there are serious figures of female feticide, such awareness programs are organized. Free educational institutes for girls is also an important step of Param Shakti Peeth towards raising the number of girls in the society. Revered Didi Maa always keeps this campaign running through her kathas and religious discourses.   

Save Motherhood  Movement
“Motherhood” is a state of a woman's life when she requires physical security along with mental health. Rich sections of our country fulfill their requirements but the masses whose economic strength is limited to availing only daily meals cannot even think of this factor. The most serious issue with the ladies of such masses is malnutrition. Therefore, sometimes they are found with a lack of blood and anemia. Param Shakti Peeth organizes free medical camps to address the issue of anemia under the expert guidance of qualified doctors. 

In the same way many women of poverty are unaware of crucial information related to the protection of vital parts of the body from bacteria during menstruation cycles. To correct this, Param Shakti Peeth has initiated important steps in this direction. Trained women approach such ladies to educate them on such aspects. Financially unequipped women are provided hygienic pads called Vatsalya Suraksha free of cost.    

Movement of Eradication of Social Discrepancies
In many remote regions of India, the light of education and knowledge has not shown even today. Didi Maa thinks that many tribes that have remained backward in the race of development should be brought into the light and has pledged to make efforts to do so. Large masses are migrating to urban areas in search of employment and population pressure is increasing on cities. Governments have been focusing only on the development of cities while development of villages is tardy. 

  • Villages of India are the fulcrum of the economy of the nation and therefore Param Shakti Peeth has initiated the movement 'Vatsalya Ganga' with an objective to keep villagers engaged in agriculture. Volunteers of Vatsalya Ganga will move from village to village to awaken people so that our deteriorating environment and water resources can be preserved. Efforts to promote co-operative farming are high on the agenda of the Vatsalya Ganga movement. 
  • Youth can participate in Vatsalya Ganga and contribute to our nations health. For this, they are required to undergo a nine month course at Vatsalya Gram. Thereafter with a vow of celibacy they would be deputed to different parts of India as per need. Through such devoted youth, educational and health centers would be established in tribal regions to spread ancient Indian values coupled with modern education.
Movement for Preservation of Cows of Indian Species
Cows are a gift from God to mankind who from birth to death are an asset to our species. All that comes out of their bodies are salubrious to human health.Scientific researches have proven that the best nutrition for a child is available in mother's milk and cow's milk is next to it.  Scientific research by many groups show that cows urine is very effective as a medicine for numerous ailments. Agriculture is also extremely benefitted by using cow dung as opposed to the chemical fertilizers that are well known to have numerous ill effects on the health of all species. The use of cows milk, urine and dung are not only good for the mankind but are essential for the preservation of our environment.

It's significance is also considerable even from the national economy point of view. National income can be enhanced by producing medicines and objects of daily use from Panchgavya (the five gifts from mother cow – milk, curd, ghee, urine and dung). It is a matter of sorrow that cows are slaughtered on large scale in our country. A nationwide movement is run by Param Shakti Peeth for the protection and enhancement of cow species. The plan is to establish well arranged Goshalas, like our present ones at Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan and Omkareshwar, in every state of India.

Working Towards the Holistic Development of India - Part 2

Best Step - “Towards Self Respect Through Self Dependence"

Along with the importance of dharma is the importance of wealth in life. Without resources & wealth life is incomplete in that ones abilities are not fully utilized. India is still in the list of developing countries as many citizens are very poor due to lack of resources and skills. This is especially true for women who are typically limited within the threshold of the house. Didi Maa believes that Matrishakti, the power of women, should be financially self-dependent so their self-respect is maintained. 

Udyamita” Cottage Industry and Vocational Training Center
“Udyamita” – a cottage industry and vocational training center of Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan is a place where women are trained through professional courses so that they can attain self-entrepreneurship and contribute to the family income. The main objective of this center is to provide training for domestic industry, cottage industry and other production based technologies. 

Vatsalya Vocational Training Community College
Through the inspiration of Revered Didi Maa Sadhvi Ritambhara Ji, Param Shakti Peeth has established Vatsalya Vocational Community College in a backward area of East Delhi. The college has been successful in making opportunities of employment available to many students which has enabled them to stand on their own feet. This center, known as Swami Paramananda Vatsalaya Mandir, is active in the form of a cradle house and shelter for abandoned children as well as serving as a vocational training center for underprivileged women. Hundreds of students are enjoying self-dependence through self-employment after completion of various certificate courses. The vocational training college is accredited by the Indira Gandhi National Open University.   

Friday, August 9, 2013

Param Shakti Peeth - Working Towards the Holistic Development of India

In this age of social transformation, Param Shakti Peeth is devoted to uplifting the nation. It is engrossed in service to mankind through various projects with the holy inspiration of Revered Sadhvi Ritambhara Ji who has spread her glorious spirituality throughout the world. 

Movement for Stress Free Healthy India
The wild race for materialistic accomplishments has affected human lifestyles to a great extent. Human beings contract various ailments day in and day out. The main reason is mental stress that seriously affects the body and mind. It not only results in depression but also disturbs the functioning of the muscular and nervous system which eventually leads to high or low blood pressure which can result in ill-functioning vital organs of the body.

Our ancient Indian civilization shows an easy way to health through yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, penance, discourses and diet control. Revered Didi Maa has been constantly addressing the importance of stress-free and healthy living through lectures, Spiritual Discourses, Kathas, Mass Education and Meditation camps.

Revered Didi Maa believes that one can keep healthy by developing a positive attitude and practicing yoga. Beyond that there is still a need for common people to have an economical yet effective medical system. Param Shakti Peeth has put her idea in practice. Ultra modern medical facilities are available at Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan in the form of G.D. Bansal Swasti Hospital, Premvati Gupta Eye Hospital and Kala Daryanmal Sadarangani Naturopathy Center.

Indian Civilization Reestablishment Movement
Indian Civilization perceives the entire universe as its own family. Revered Didi Maa-as a messenger of the Indian Civilization, which envisaged “Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam” (Universe Itself is a Family) - strongly believes there should be no orphans in a country of Vishwnath (Lord of the Universe) In ancient India, in case some child had to live bereft of mother's love,  that child was brought up in some Rishi's abode and subsequently he was respectfully established in society. Maharshi Ved Vyas - author of so many scriptures, was found estranged on an inland and was educated at a Rishi's home and eventually he showed the way to enlightenment to the entire world. Not only the Rishis but the kings also used to care for such children in ancient times. King Janak found a girl from soil inside  who became the beauty of his palace and later became world famous as Mother Sita.   

Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan
By following the same ancient Indian tradition, Revered Sadhvi Ritambhara Ji established Vatsalya Gram on the holy land of Vrindavan where children bereft of their mothers' love can avail loving hugs from devoted women. 

Vatsalya Gram is an innovation concept of Didi Maa that has left the world awestruck. In every Vatsalya family there are five girls, two boys with an aunt and grandma who complement each other, in spite of having no blood relationships. Vatsalya Gram is replete with affectionate relationships. Under the holy guidance of Didi Maa, the atmosphere of ancient Gurukulas has been resurrected.

 'Gokulam' Vatsalya Avas
‘'Gokulam' is a residential co-housing premise that is a haven filled with happy small children with one family in each unit. Each unit contains a drawing room, bedroom, kitchen, study room and prayer room. All the comforts of a conventional home are found here. In the center of the premises is a beautiful garden where a huge idol of Bharat Mata graces the landscape. A lawn for activities including a playground attract the children.  

Krishna  Brahmaratan Vidya Mandir
Amidst our society lives a section whose daily income is spent on two meals everyday.With the inspiration of Revered Didi Maa, there has been established in Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan 'Krishna Brahmratan Vidya Mandir'. Here 2 meals a day are provided along with free education for under-priveledged children. Children of poor families study here under the guidance of qualified teachers who assist them in marching towards their golden future.

Samvid Gurukulam International School
Following a modern education system is essential to enable our nation to keep pace with a world that is marching fast in the field of science and technology. But whereas students used to attain holistic development with their education, today modern education is mostly devoid of values and ethics. India's ancient education system was the best wherein students used to avail values and ethics of life besides secular education. Samvid Gurukulam of Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan is based on the ancient tradition where students are provided education of values, nationalism and religion along with the modern conventional syllabus. 

For higher secondary education, there is a separate well equipped building on campus. Its construction is impressive because it is based on Vastu of educational building.  

Girl’s Hostel
There is a safe and comfortable hostel with a familial atmosphere for girls. Many girls stay here while studying at the campus school.

Rishi Ashram
India has attained much progress in the field of science and technology, but without spiritual knowledge it is inferior. True Knowledge is attained with a good mentor i.e. Sadguru. Revered Anantshri Vibhushit Yugpurush Mahamandaleshwar Swami Paramanand Ji Giri Maharaj – the one who propounded the idea of Vatsalya, comes to Vatsalya Gram regularly.  The “Yugpurush Ashray”  abode has been constructed for his stay. Vatsalya Gram families, students and guests have a splendid opportunity to be in Maharaj Ji's presence and receive guidance throughout the year.

Sanskar Vatika
In the daily life of children, there is a great significance of sanskaras, of conditionings that will affect their future. Susanskar, i.e. good conditioning, change the whole and sole of ones life. “Sanskar Vatika” of Vatsalya Gram provides sanskar to students once the school day is over. Arrangements are made to acquaint students with ancient Indian scriptures and philosophies. In the afternoon, children get this kind of education and learn morals under the guidance of erudite teachers. “Sanskar Vatika” is a product of an idea that the right combination of ancient values and modern education will give students a polished wholistic development. 

“Nanhi Duniya” – Children's World
Nature is the first school for any developing child. Greenery, rivers, mountains, sky, birds and animals ignite fresh inquisitions in his or her mind. It is awe that raises questions which are very important for development. “Nanhi Duniya” has been shaped with this idea in mind. Nanhi Duniya is a beautiful and natural environment introducing children to many secrets of nature.

Sports Academy
Only in a healthy body can a strong mind thrive. Various types of sports not only make one physically strong but also strengthen one mentally. In order to gift international level sports personalities to the nation, a Sports Academy has been established at Vatasalya Gram where expert sport guides train the students.   

Martyrs Museum
Along with the progress and development of any nation, it is very essential that its citizens should  have knowledge of its proud history. To pay our obeisance to the martyrs in order to inculcate the feeling of patriotism and national awareness among the masses, Pujya Didi Maa has taken a vow to set up "Bhanupratap Shukla Smriti Saheed Sangrahalaya" in this holy land Vatsalya Gram, Vrindavan.

Main attraction of the museum are:

• Blood-built exhibits of national and international martyrs.
• Proud descriptions of young martyrs. 
• Touching Portraits of different freedom movement and 1st war of independence of 1857. 
• Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's march for the liberation of the country. 
• Huge libraries for the research scholars on different subjects including freedom struggle.

Vatsalya Mandir (Cradle House), Jwala Nagar, Delhi
Children are forms of God and all newborns should be welcomed into this world with love. Due to inextricable social complexities some infants are abandoned by their parents on the roadside. As a result, they either give up their lives amidst aggressive surroundings or they become victums in the hands of antisocial elements and many fall prey to human trafficking. Vatsalya Mandir, Cradle House in Jwalanagar, Delhi was established by Param Shakti Peeth to address this serious problem. Cradle House is a shelter for newly born children who are given up by their parents in a helpless state on the roadside. This center cares for their childhood needs and makes arrangement for their education as well as rehabilitation.  

Vatsalya Gram, Omkareshwar (Madhya Pradesh)
This service center of Param Shakti Peeth is situated near the holy town of Jyotirlinga – Omkareshwar in Madhya Pradesh. It is a gleam of hope for the have-nots of surrounding villages. With holy inspiration from Didi Maa Sadhvi Ritambhara, a free residential girls school is being run for the poor tribal girls. Here, students are able to use the available residential facilities, food, uniforms, books, etc. A school building for High School Standards based on CBSC syllabus is also under construction.

Vatsalya Gram, Vill.– Variya, Nalagarh, (Himachal Pradesh)
 This center in the land of Gods – Himachal Pradesh is in the process of development. This is a beautiful place all surrounded by mountains. In the campus of this center are to be constructed a temple, a guesthouse and a higher secondary school with hostel facilities. 

Vatsalya Gram, Sijai, Distt–Chhatarpur (Madhya Pradesh)
In the race for progress, this area of Madhya Pradesh has been mostly left behind. As per Revered Didi Maa's determination, Param Shkti Peeth is playing a vital role in the development of this area. Here are being constructed A residential girls school and well arranged Goshala (cow abode)  are under construction. Many works of public support like check dams, etc. are proposed.